Outdoor activities for getting through COVID-19 quarantine with young kids
Hi everyone!
It really feels like Springtime at last! Today was GORGEOUS out and we loved being outside in the sun and warmth! Last week I shared some parenting resources and ideas for indoor activities with young kids during the stay at home order, so this week I thought I’d focus on outdoor activities. A lot of these may seem super obvious to you, but I always welcome reminders of what works, so I thought I’d list everything I could think of in case you appreciate reminders too! Once again, I want to point out that I did not come up with all of these ideas. I’ve been getting so much inspiration from friends posting to social media and from our preschool community, and I really just love seeing all of your suggestions. So here we go!
Playing “I spy” in the backyard.
Outdoor Activities for Families with Young Kids
Sidewalk Chalk - Make it yourself by mixing: 1 cup water, 1 cup constarch, and food coloring or washable paint. This will be a bit closer to a chalky paint in consistency. Have you seen the amazing designs that so many people are making using painters tape?
Backyard Camping - If your kiddos are too young to actually sleep outside in the tent comfortably, set it up just for fun! There’s nothing my kids love more than playing around in a tent.
Read Books Outside - Take a stack of books, a picnic blanket, and maybe even a couple of pillows, and read to your littles in your own little fancy reading nook. My kids love the switch up and we take it a step further by bringing out a blanket to get extra cozy.
Play “I Spy” - A favorite for young kids. My son always looks at something obviously, says “I spy something ____” (describing it way too well), and then I guess outlandishly, which makes him laugh and laugh.
Rainbow Scavenger Hunt - Draw color swatches on a piece of paper and have your child identify the colors in nature.
Take a Ball Outside - Kick it, make a foursquare court, pass it back and forth, throw it around, balls are endless fun for young kids.
Picnic in the Yard - If it’s sunny out, this is a particular favorite activity of ours!
Popsicles - Popsicles can be so messy, especially with young children, so eating them outside is perfect.
Hop Scotch - Jumping is a 3 year milestone, so get your littles to practice!
Outdoor Playhouse - If you don’t have one, build one out of cardboard and tape or cover your picnic table with sarongs or light fabric and have them sit/play under the table.
Bike Riding - Whether your kiddo is learning to use a strider bike or pedal bike, now is a perfect time to practice.
Build a Birdhouse - I have seen so many ideas, from building a full on birdhouse with scrap wood, to smearing peanut butter and birdseed all over an empty toilet paper roll or plastic jar. Just beware that the squirrels might be equally excited about the bird feeder as the birds are! Make a game of it by watching the feeder and narrating the excited wildlife behavior with your kids! (“Look at that sneaky squirrel! He just stole a seed! What are the birds going to say when they find out?!”)
Gardening - Oh, how I wish we had a garden!! If you have one, what a perfect way to teach or remind your kids where our food comes from. Studies show that children who play a part in growing their own food are more likely to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables too!
Plant Identification - This is a fun activity for our daily walks. We’ve been noticing the fiddlehead ferns lately, which have doubled and tripled in size and are now as tall as my kids (a fact that the kiddos find AMAZING)!
Go for a socially distant walk - In Olympia, we are so blessed with neighborhood trails and urban forests. Just remember to keep your distance from neighbors and passers by!
Left: identifying fiddlehead ferns. Right: playing with a shovel and dirt.
Well there you have it. That is my list of activities off the top of my head, as well as those that I’ve been noticing on social media. There are a thousand things to do outside, and if all else fails, go out into the yard with no plans and see what happens. Usually your littles will find something to do on their own. Mine are very into pushing around and filling toy trucks, playing with their shovels and rakes, picking up rocks (and discussing the magic level they possess), watching clouds, looking for airplanes (or better yet, helicopters!), and of course, playing with our dog outside.
Take your Camera
As a family photographer in Olympia, WA, I always have my camera on me, rain or shine, and I’ve been taking photos of our shenanigans daily. I encourage all parents, photographers, momtographers, and anyone with a smart phone, to take photos of your kids and your activities. They don’t have to be perfect, and of course, put the camera down so you can get in on the fun, but do document your memories! It will be so worth it to look back on this time years from now.
Share your Ideas!
I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below, as I am a fellow parent always looking for fun new activities and projects that the kids will enjoy!
Painting the cement and rocks with our homemade sidewalk chalk paint.